Nebraska Public Power District

Todd Calfee’s top priority is to keep electricity affordable and reliable, and he has a plan to do just that:

  1. Modernize NPPD’s infrastructure with sensible strategic investments in clean energy; Aging infrastructure will increase maintenance and operations costs over time;
  2. Invest in electricity generation locally to keep jobs and dollars working for us right here in Nebraska;
  3. Partner with Nebraska communities and manufacturers to encourage local job creation and investment; and,
  4. Ensure NPPD’s management is professional, accountable, transparent, and best-in-class; and, NPPD employees have the tools and training necessary to do their work efficiently and safely.

Vote Todd Calfee for NPPD Subdistrict 1

Candidate for NPPD Subdistrict 1

For thirty years Todd Calfee has been an energetic and effective leader in business and for charitable causes. As a candidate for NPPD Subdistrict 1, Todd Calfee is determined to grow Nebraska with affordable and reliable electricity for the benefit of Nebraska’s seniors, families, farmers and small business today and for generations to come.

Decades of Nebraska Power

Always there when you need us.

Public power has delivered affordable and reliable electricity to Nebraskans for decades and has helped grow Nebraska.

Optimizing NPPD

60% carbon emissions free

As a member of the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) board of directors, Todd Calfee will keep that promise with common sense, fiscally sound business practices and by optimizing NPPD’s current portfolio resource mix which is 60% carbon emissions free.

Keep electricity affordable and reliable

Todd Calfee is determined to keep electricity affordable and reliable for our families, seniors, farmers, schools, health care and business.

Affordable and reliable electricity helps grow Nebraska by encouraging job creation and investment. As Nebraska’s economy grows the cost of the infrastructure and investment necessary to keep electricity affordable and reliable is shared among more Nebraskans.